Hands-On Skills Assessment for Crane Operator Certification
The Practical Exam is a demonstration of the candidate’s hands-on skills operating the crane. With CIC, one Practical Exam may qualify an operator for several types of certifications.
All Practical Exams consist of four (4) skills challenges demonstrating the following:
1. Accuracy & Depth Perception (timed challenge)
2. Hand Signal Recognition
3. Ability to Maintain a Load Under Control (timed challenge)
4. Exiting the Crane Safely
Before the Practical Examination – Candidate Responsibilities
1. Hiring a Practical Examiner. Candidates are responsible for identifying and hiring an Authorized CIC Practical Examiner directly from a listing on the CIC website and/or CIC Test Portal. Some employers designated as Authorized Practical Exam Sites, have a CIC Authorized Practical Examiner and/or an Exam Site Coordinator who will handle registering, scheduling, and exam administration internally.
2. Ensuring Scheduling of Practical Exam at Desired Date/Time and Location. While the Candidate does not handle the scheduling directly, it is their shared responsibility with the Practical Examiner and Exam Site Coordinator to ensure desired dates and arrangements are secured and confirmed.
3. Paying Practical Examiner & Exam Fees. CIC Practical Examiners are not employed by CIC and set their own exam administration rates. Likewise, Exam Sites may charge a site fee which the Candidate is responsible for paying. Prices often vary. If employed by a company serving as an Authorized CIC Practical Exam Site, the company’s designated Site Coordinator and/or Practical Examiner will coordinate all aspects of the Candidate’s exams.
4. Get Prepared. Pursue quality training in advance, practice your skills, and get feedback about your skills from qualified professionals. Review course preparation materials and helpful resources on the CIC Website.
Choosing Your Practical Examiner
All Practical Examinations must be administered by a CIC Authorized Practical Examiner at a CIC Authorized Practical Exam Site. CIC maintains a list of Practical Examiners who may be hired to administer practical exams.
Some Candidates contact and hire Practical Examiners directly, selecting an authorized Practical Examiner from the list of public/traveling CIC Authorized Practical examiners on CIC’s website and/or the CIC Test Portal. Alternatively, companies have a private CIC Authorized Practical Examiner employed or contracted by their company who administers Practical Exams on the company site. Some of these sites permit non-employees to take Practical Exams at their location. Candidates are advised to check with these sites to see if their location is more conveniently located to the candidate’s location.
Practical Examiners will coordinate the scheduling of the exam with the candidate and the exam test site, and then complete the Practical Exam registration online for the candidate. CIC Authorized Practical Examiners are not employed by CIC. Payment is made directly to the Practical Examiner and fees may vary between Practical Examiners. Candidates hire and pay any applicable fees directly to the Practical Examiner and exam sites.
Scheduling Rush Practical Exams
If candidates need to register for and schedule a RUSH Practical Exam within fewer than ten (10) business days or have difficulty identifying an available Authorized CIC Practical Examiner or Exam site, candidates may call CIC at (407) 878-5590 for assistance finding Exam sites and related personnel on the desired date and time (if available). Rush fees will apply. See Certification Fees Policy #32 in CIC Policies & Procedures on the CIC website for the most current fees. Registration support is typically available at CIC by telephone and email (help@cicert.com) Monday-Friday during traditional business hours.
Note: Candidates are entirely responsible for confirming that accurate and complete Practical Exam registrations are submitted online by your chosen Practical Examiner or Practical Exam Site Coordinator prior to the desired Exam date.
Take and pass a hands-on, skills-based Practical Exam. Candidates demonstrate their crane operating proficiency on one of several CIC-designed, outdoor Practical Exam courses.
With CIC, one Practical Exam may satisfy the Practical Exam requirements of multiple certifications. This pragmatic approach offers a convenient and cost-effective way for candidates to maximize candidates’ investment of time and money in the certification process. Assessing a candidate’s operational skills for multiple types/capacities of crane. by testing on the largest crane type/capacity for which the operator seeks certification is an efficient way for operators and employers to achieve compliance with certification requirements.
Candidates seeking multiple certifications may only be required to take ONE Practical Exam to fulfill the skills-based (hands-on) requirement for several certifications due to the higher level of operational difficulty on larger cranes. Think of it this way: If a person can safely drive a large SUV, they can also safely drive a compact car and everything in between! The same applies to mobile cranes. For example:
- The TB 21-75T Practical Exam covers TB 21 -75T and the others with lower capacity, including ABC and TB<21 T crane certifications.
- TB>75 Tons or Lattice Boom Practical Exam cover Practical Exam requirement for all five CIC certifications (ABC, TB<21, TB 21-75, TB>75, and LBCW/LBCR).
The following Practical Exams Certification Credits table illustrates:
Notes: Practical Exams for both Telescoping and Lattice Boom Cranes may be conducted on either crawler or carrier-mounted cranes. Examples of carrier mounted cranes include commercial truck-mounted, wheel-mounted (rough terrain, all terrain, and industrial). Digger Derrick and Service/Mechanic Truck Cranes fall under the TB < 21 Tons crane category.
There is only one Practical Exam skills-based test. Candidates must have a final minimum score of 70% to pass the exam. Candidates receive a Pass/Fail score along with a performance by test domain.
Minimum Passing Practical Exam Scores
The Practical Examiner and Assistant Examiner record their observations of the Candidate’s skills in four skill domains. It is important to note that Examiners do not calculate the final grade. The third-party exam administration vendor uses Exam Observation Sheets to calculate final grades.
Points are deducted for errors made during the exam, or for exceeding the stated time limit to complete particular tasks. The minimum score required to pass the Practical Exam is 70%. The table below summarizes the four key domains which are assessed during the exam and the approximate percentage of the exam each domain represents.
1. Examiners cannot comment on candidate performance. Examiners will enter their observations on the CIC Test Portal and will receive the candidates Pass or Fail score. The Examiner will tell the candidate their exam results the same day as testing. The candidate may not wait for their scores in the waiting area unless they are the only candidate being testes. If they are not the only candidate, they will need to leave the premises.
2. Leaving the Premises. Once the Examiner provides the candidate with their test results, the candidate is instructed not to return to the waiting area and to leave the premises immediately. The Examiner thanks the candidate for their business and gives the CIC customer support business card.
3. Exam Results Notification. Observation data and the Assistant Practical Examiner Observation Sheet with be digitally logged into the CIC Test Portal the same day the Practical Exam is administered. Both the Examiner’s and Assistant Practical Examiner will be present for the submission of all documentation. Exams will be uploaded into the CIC Test Portal for scoring, and official test results from the CIC Test Portal will be emailed to the candidate within 24-48 hours. However, the Practical Examiner will be able to provide a Practical Exam “Pass” or “Did Not Pass” status upon completion of the exam and final entry of exam information and forms.
The Practical Examiner will provide a Practical Exam “Pass” or “Did Not Pass” status upon completion of the exam and final entry of exam information and forms. Practical Exam scores are emailed to the candidate at their email on record and to the Practical Examiner within 24 hours of the Examiners’ digital submission of a Practical Exam documentation to the CIC Test Portal.
Confirmation of Certification and Digital Certification Badges
When results of all Virtual and Practical Exams are in, candidates with passing scores will receive an email congratulating them for earning CIC certification along with their digital certification badge within 24 hours. The digital badge will replace the hard copy certification card used in previous years. Those candidates not achieving certification will also be notified by email. CIC recommends candidates who did not pass contact CIC Customer Service for information and guidance about next steps.
General Knowledge Exam: $140
The General Knowledge Exam assesses the operator’s overall knowledge about crane operation.
Supplementary Exams: $75
Supplemental exams assess the operator’s knowledge about the crane(s) for which the operator seeks certification. Candidates take a supplementary exam for each certification they seek.
CIC Practical Exam Scoring: $70
Please note: CIC Authorized Practical Examiners are third-party Practical Exam Administration providers who set their own rates for administering Practical Exam. The candidate or the candidate’s employer pays exam administration fees directly to the Examiner.
Please also note that recertification candidates are exempt from taking any Practical Exams for certifications on cranes that are smaller than the largest crane for which they seek certification.
Practical Exam fees paid to a public Practical Exam Site or CIC Authorized Practical Examiner are not refundable, but exams may be rescheduled. If a candidate must reschedule or cancel a Practical Exam once it has been scheduled and confirmed by the exam site, the candidate is responsible for rescheduling with the Practical Examiner / Exam Site Coordinator and paying any applicable fees. No fee is charged to the candidate when an exam is cancelled or rescheduled by the Practical Examiner or Practical Exam Site.
Potential reasons for rescheduling include, but are not limited to:
1. Site Issues
- Crane unavailable or unusable
- Course materials incomplete or inadequate
- Failed to schedule Candidate, Examiner, or Assistant Practical Examiner for the proper time.
- Site Coordinator fails to show up.
2. Weather Conditions (no one’s fault)
- Excessive wind
- Thunder or lightning
- Fog, precipitation, or other weather conditions that obscure vision.
3. Examiner Issues
- Examiner arrives late and misses exam.
- Missing Examiner materials or tools
4. Candidate Issues
- Missing ID or problems with verification of candidate identity
- Does not wish to proceed on day of exam for any reason (illness, discomfort with crane operation, etc.)
- Cancels exam less than a week before
No Shows. Candidates arriving more than 15 minutes after their scheduled exams will be considered a no-show. However, Practical Examiners and Exam Sites may make exceptions at their discretion if their next scheduled exam is not impacted by the delay.
Emergencies, Other Extenuating Circumstances
In the event an emergency or other extenuating circumstance prevents the candidate from taking their scheduled exam within the parameters of CIC rescheduling or cancelling policies, the candidate must contact CIC within 30 days of missing their exam to request an exception. Candidates will be asked to provide a description of the circumstances and supporting documentation (e.g., medical documentation, accident report, etc.). Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis by CIC staff.
1. Mitigating circumstances include, but may not be limited to, medical emergencies, death in immediate family, act of God/natural disaster or military deployment. 2. Circumstances not typically considered to be extenuating include, but are not limited to, work demands, not being prepared for the exam, scheduling conflicts, minor medical events, or other personal obligations etc.
2. If the request for an exception is approved, the candidate may reschedule their exam to the date and time of their choosing (based on availability), at no additional charge.
3. If the candidate’s request is not approved, the candidate will forfeit their exam fees and must pay the full examination fee to schedule a future exam.
Rescheduling Fees
Occasionally, Practical Exams do need to be rescheduled, whether the cause is inclement weather, a mix up on the part of the Exam Site or Practical Examiner, or an issue related to the candidate. In the interest of fairness and clarity, CIC has developed the following guidelines about who is responsible for paying any fees associated with rescheduling.
1. If the Exam Site reschedules:
- Site pays Practical Examiner fee.
- Candidate is rescheduled at no charge.
2. If Cancelled Due to Weather factors :
- Candidate and Exam Site Coordinator reschedule the exam at earliest convenience, at no additional fee.
- If the Exam Site cannot accommodate the Candidate, the Coordinator must contact CIC, and the candidate may reschedule the new exam with no additional fee.
3. If Practical Examiner reschedules:
- The Examiner must reschedule Candidate at no charge.
4. If Candidate reschedules:
- The original candidate exam registration fee is forfeited.
- Candidate must pay an Examiner fee (at the Examiner’s discretion)
- Candidate must pay exam rescheduling fee.
A candidate who fails their first attempt may retake the exam immediately at no additional cost. If a candidate fails the Practical Exam on the second attempt, they must wait at least 30 days before making a third attempt, and any subsequent attempts. Retesting and exam fees apply. Candidates whose certification expires prior to passing a practical exam attempt must also take and pass the General Knowledge and applicable Supplemental Exams(s) for new certification, if they have not done so already.
1. Dress Appropriately. Candidates should dress as they would on a job site (boots, jeans or other comfortable pants, hard hat, reflective vest). CIC recommends leaving any personal items at home or out of sight in their locked vehicle.
2. Arrive Prior to Your Exam Time. Plan to arrive at the exam location at least 15-20 minutes before the scheduled exam time given by the Practical Examiner. Candidates arriving more than 15 minutes after their scheduled exams will be considered a no-show and will forfeit CIC pre-registration fees and may forfeit fees paid to the hired Practical Examiner, at the Examiner’s discretion.
3. Upon Arrival, Wait in the Designated Pre-Exam Area. You must wait in the designated waiting area and may not observe the course layout prior to being brought to the course by your examiner, observe any other exams being administered, or assist with setting up the course.
4. Authenticate Your identity. A driver’s license, passport, or military ID are acceptable. Candidates who do not present their valid identification or whose photo ID does not match their appearance will not be permitted to take their practical examination and will be responsible for any associated fees. The same is true if the Candidate’s ID appears to have been manipulated.
5. Check in and Review Exam Related Information in Candidate Waiting Area. The Practical Examiner will come to the Waiting Area to bring the next Candidate to the Exam Course. Remain in the designated Practical Exam waiting room until you are called to take your exam by your Practical Examiner.
6. Secure Personal Items. CIC recommends candidates leave any personal items out of sight in their locked vehicle or other safe place prior to coming to the Candidate check-in and waiting areas.
7. Do Not Observe Other Practical Exams in Process. To prevent any unfair testing advantage or potential exam security issues, no candidate is permitted to observe exams in process and must wait in the designated waiting area until the Examiner comes to notify them that it is time for their Practical Exam.
8. Don’t Discuss Exam Questions. No exam questions are to be discussed during or after the exam administration. Any infraction of these terms is a violation of the Candidate’s ethical responsibilities and subject to CIC’s disciplinary policy. It is also a violation of exam security.
9. Respect Exam Security Policies. Any attempt to reproduce all or part of any CIC exam of any kind is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to; aiding others by any means in reconstructing any portion of the exam; attempting to photograph or copy the exam set up or Practical Examiner materials, posting content on any discussion forum or website; selling, distributing, receiving, or having unauthorized possession of any portion of any Practical Exam material or exam process, or by any other means.
Alleged copyright violations will be investigated and, if warranted, prosecuted. It should be noted that examination scores may become invalidated in the event of this type of suspected breach. Revocation of certification may occur if allegations are substantiated.
10. It Goes Without Saying…No Cheating. All certification candidates are expected to answer all exam questions independently. Information sharing, teamwork, or any other collaboration with another candidate or any other person is prohibited. Any violation of this policy represents misconduct/ cheating. Any candidate engaged in this behavior may be subject to score cancellation and may not be allowed to participate in a future CIC exam.
11. Checks and Balances. Testing irregularities may also be evidenced by subsequent statistical analysis of testing data. When testing irregularities occur, they are fully investigated by CIC in collaboration with the CIC Governing Council and any appropriate courses of action will be taken.